News is trickling in, unofficial word is 4 of the 5 repeaters who separated are rejoining the original network

Word on the radio-rumor-mill tells us Bill KD0YRF has purchased the Faribault repeater from Nagi N0AGI and the cBridge from James and progress is continuing to bring Minnesota Statewide to their repeaters with the exception being the St.Cloud repeater which will become a stand alone system. Work is also ongoing to reconnect the isolated MNDMR with the original MNDMR. Good news for the most part. I’ll be happy to replace this posting once official word is available.

3 thoughts on “News is trickling in, unofficial word is 4 of the 5 repeaters who separated are rejoining the original network”

  1. Some of this is true N0agi did sell me the Faribault system! it was a smart move because I live 1 mile from the tower and as far as the MnDMR C-Bridge yes I did purchase the system. we have connected Rochester Faribault BuckHill and Medina back on Mnstate talk group N0agi has not sold Medina and as of Friday 4-14-2017 St Cloud is still on the MnDMR C-Bridge we hope to keep James on MnDMR talk group but will have to see what the future holds for DMR in Minnesota.

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