Minnesota Statewide Talk-Group 3127 moving on many repeaters to Time-Slot1


In an effort to make the repeater network available to all users, many of the repeaters in town are moving Talk-Group 3127 (Minnesota Statewide) over to Time-slot 1 and thereby opening up Time-slot 2 for Push-To-Talk (PTT) activity. This clears the way for QSO’s to move to TAC channels or Local9/Local2 without conflict from MN Statewide. The Brandmeister network supports thousands of other talk-groups too. Anything can be brought up on either Time-slot PTT.

The following repeaters have Minnesota Statewide on Time-Slot 1 Full time…
BLM(Bloomington), (CSK)Chaska, MTK(Minnetonka), CTV(Centerville), STP(StPaul)

For the next 10 days or so… CSK and MTK also still have 3127 on TS2 full time… Yes 3127 is full time on both time-slots. This was done to support users of roaming and those who have not yet updated their code-plugs.

All of the above repeaters also support PTT for 3127 on TS2, again, so if you have not yet updated your code-plug, you still have Talk-Group access. Galen has already released code-plugs for the TYT radios and he expects to have the other radios done tonight too.
Dave will be releasing updates for the Motorola repeaters shortly.
Thank you to all the site providers, repeater owners, code-plug and cbridge/network maintainers.

There are a few other repeaters also likely moving, so I’m expecting a couple code-plug changes in the near future.
73 – NØNKI – Eric Osterberg

3 thoughts on “Minnesota Statewide Talk-Group 3127 moving on many repeaters to Time-Slot1”

  1. This is a very good idea. And if other repeaters don’t follow suit, it allows flexibility for devotees of N America (for example) to retain the access they are accustomed to. Clearly, it would be nice to have everyone on the “same page” as far as time-slot management goes, but there are some benefits to having exceptions, too.

  2. We have a member from our Iowa DMR Group in the hospital in Rochester, and he would like to have connection via DMR Radio back home on the 3119 talk group. Is your Rochester DMR Repeater linked to access the Brandmeister network? If so we will loan him a radio with a zone containing your repeater frequency programmed for 3119 on Slot 1 (or Slot 2) if you approve.
    Thanks for Sharing!
    Bill Dedic
    Facebook “Iowa DMR Users Group 3119”

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